Six of Hearts 

6 of Hearts Meaning

The Six of Hearts: Meaning and Purpose

Playing the game of a Six you carry the energy of peace, order, balance, alignment, and karma.

Playing the game of a Heart you bring this energy to all experiences of the heart: emotions, love, and relationships.

So, playing the 6 of Hearts, your game in life is to be a true peacemaker. Yours is the passion to bring emotional integrity into all interpersonal dynamics. 

How To Read This Page About The Six of Hearts

Above in the banner images, the left side images (top two images on a phone) are a visual expression of when you may be Off Your GameThe right side banner image (bottom image on your phone) is a visual representation of what's possible for you when you're On Your Game.

Below is a foundational list of life experiences across four key dimensions, showing when you may be either...

  • On Your Game -- Positively expressing this energy pattern in your life
  • Off Your Game -- Facing challenges that arise from misalignment

  • These are common themes for someone born to play the Six of Hearts. See which themes resonate most with your own life experience.

Once you read this Six of Hearts page, if you want to look up more cards, return home.

Let's Dive Into The Meaning of the Six of Hearts!

Six of Hearts: Mentally and emotionally stubborn

Six of Hearts: Personal Patterns

  • Stable, dependable, and reliable; a great friend and delightful family member
  • Charming and fun, able to light up the room and put everyone at ease
  • Mentally and emotionally stubborn; operating with a fixed set of assumptions and ideas
  • Locked up in passive-aggressive emotional power plays, meanwhile hiding your true feelings underneath a polite exterior
  • Finding yourself surrounded by emotional drama and personal chaos
  • Lazy; taking the path of least resistance and getting stuck in habitual ruts 
  • Trusting the authentic truth of your feelings as your inner-guidance system
  • And much more...
Six of Hearts: Peace Signs

Six of Hearts: Career Patterns

  • A hard-worker who is more than willing to sacrifice and hustle to get the job done
  • Benefiting from the patronage and support of a wealthy, successful businessman
  • A love-hate relationship with accolades and attention; a hate-love relationship with compliments and praise
  • Inadvertently sabotaging yourself because of murky, shady dealings or lack of transparency
  • Risk-adverse, change-avoidant behavior limits your career possibilities
  • Double-crossing yourself because you over-promised and over-committed
  • Excellent people management skills with a naturally high EQ (Emotional Quotient)
  • And much more...

Six of Hearts: Relationship Patterns

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Six of Hearts: Health & Wellness Patterns

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It's All In The Cards!

Was that mind-blowing? Maybe a little eye-opening? Here's the best part—this is just the beginning.

The Source Cards aren’t just insights into patterns of behavior—they’re your personal roadmap to soul-aligned success. Whether it’s creating fulfilling relationships, advancing your career, or stepping fully into your purpose, your cards reveal your optimal strategy for living in flow.

But here's the problem: your true path may be very different from how you were raised or conditioned to think. If life feels stuck, frustrating, or out of sync, chances are, you’re not playing your cards right. Literally.



Playing Your Cards Right Changes Everything

Knowing your Source Cards is one thing—but learning to play them right is where the magic happens. That’s when life aligns effortlessly. We’ve seen it over and over again—sometimes in ways that feel like miracles...

✔ The right doors open for you.
✔ The right people show up.
✔ Existing relationships shift in unexpected, wonderful ways.

Why? Because when you start making decisions in alignment with your soul’s blueprint, everything clicks. No more forcing. No more second-guessing. Instead, you move through life with clarity, confidence, and ease.

The harmony was always there—you just didn’t know how to access it. Until now. 

Your next move? Book your Life Audit today. Let’s get you playing your cards right.

Life Audit

Discover exactly what’s keeping you stuck—and the precise steps to unlock the life you want.

In this done-for-you diagnosis, we combine Alexander’s empathic insight, Viki’s psychic vision, and the precision of the Source Cards to illuminate hidden obstacles and direct your path forward.

Your big breakthrough awaits...

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