Larvikite Amulet

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Order summary

Larvikite Necklace

Larvikite Amulet

Includes: Larvikite, Sterling Silver

Larvikite is a stone of safety and grounding. It cleanses the energy field and supports a connection with the energies of the Earth. When I wear Larvikite, I feel my breath slow down as I deeply relax and move through my day with more ease, grace and confidence.

Pendant with 18 inch chain

 $288.00 (includes shipping in the USA)

For international shipping, additional charges apply. We will invoice you the additional fee after purchase.

Total due $288

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Examples of Manifestation Goals: to express my feelings openly and clearly, to create healthy relationships, to meet my most compatible soulmate, to discover my life purpose, to be in a fulfilling career, to heal my shoulder pain, to clear the blocks to prosperity, to have clarity, to trust my intuition… etc.

You may write whatever you desire to manifest in your life!